
GU Callbook




Local Repeaters

Notes for Visitors

Local QSL Card Bureau



Local QSL Card Bureau


Up until now, I have been taking QSL cards to the club for collection. Some of you have taken cards for those who do not attend the club, or provide envelopes, and I have delivered some myself.

This cannot continue, as it will not always be possible to leave cards in a public area for you to collect as and when you next turn up.

Also, the list of folk not providing envelopes has grown over the last year or so, and I have found myself having to drive round, dropping cards off for some of you. The last time I did this, it was just over 5 miles, and took about 90 minutes.

So, would you PLEASE provide me with self-addressed envelopes of a suitable size (at least C5) and durability, and with suitable stamps attached.
It is preferable if you use the self-adhesive stamps marked GY, as these do not need to be added to if the postage rate goes up.
Please do NOT use small letter envelopes (either C6 or DL), as these are not big enough to take more than a few cards, or any over-sized cards.
Please check the Guernsey Post website for the cost of GY stamps for the current value for 100g of cards.

It is advisable to mark the envelopes 1 of 6, 2 of 6, 3 of 6 etc, with the
last one marked 'LAST'.
This will remind you to send more envelopes and stamps when you receive it.
If you fail to provide envelopes, I will retain the cards for 3 months,
after which time they will be disposed of.

PLEASE NOTE: I will no longer accept a cheque to "cover postage and envelopes".
In general, this does NOT cover the cost involved, and does not take into account any rise in postal rates, or even the cost of suitable envelopes.

Some people are not on this list, and do not regularly attend club meetings, so could you ALL please spread the word.

If you have any queries about this, please email me.

73 all

GU0SUP RSBG QSL Sub Manager Guermsey.